Enjoy an exclusive experience at Maison Mère, for one night or more ...
This voucher is valid for all hotel services: night stay, breakfast, extras...
How to book your stay ?
On our website: www.maisonmere.co
By phone: +33 1 42 80 00 00
By email: sales@maisonmere.co
This voucher includes
Conditions d'utilisation
Validity : 12 month(s)
By reservation only
How does it work?
I choose
and personalise my gift card directly online
I receive
the gift card immediately by email or by post
The beneficiary book
the slot directly with the establishment

This gift voucher is sold by
Hôtel Maison Mère
Hôtel Maison Mère
7 rue Mayran
75009 Paris 09
75009 Paris 09